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V. 20 N. 3 (2018): Libya in Transition: Human Mobility Conflict and State Building

Introduction 2018 3

  • Antonio Morone
April 3, 2024


In July 2019, the situation in Libya has once more escalated into an all-out war fought inside the capital city of Tripoli. Since April 2019, a military offensive led by Khalifa Haftar has attempted to take over Tripoli and disband the supporters of the Government of National Accord (GNA), led by Fayez al-Sarraj. Haftar’s initiative, however, got bogged down in the sands of Tripoli. Today’s war is the latest chapter in a confrontation that began in the summer of 2014, following the second political election in postQaddafi’s Libya and the split of central institutions between the western and eastern parts of the country. At stake in this confrontation between al-Sarraj and Haftar as well as their respective international allies are the futures of the capital city and the state’s institutions.