The essay analyses some basic features of the political language employed by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in the years between 1919 and 1924 focusing specifically on antiimperialism and Islam. Taking into account the evolving political balance and the ideologies which had an influence within the Anatolian resistance movement, the investigation shows how Mustafa Kemal did build-up an eclectic political discourse which mixed elements from ottomanism, nationalism, socialism and pan-islamism as well. In this perspective I evaluate some significant talks given by Mustafa Kemal in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. I first evaluate the rhetorical use of bolshevism in building up an anti-imperialist discourse, then I deal with the general features of Mustafa Kemal’s religious language reflecting on Islam both as identity politics and in its relationship with the institution of the Ottoman Caliphate. The investigation concludes that this changing and multifaced rhetoric played a crucial role in legitimizing Mustafa Kemal not only as the military chief but also as the political leader of the Turkish National Movement.