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V. 21 N. 3 (2019): Counting the Cost of War: the Great Wars Economic Impact on Africa

Export Oriented Horticulture and Female Labour in Post Socialist Tanzania: Poverty Reduction or Exploitation

  • Fabio De Blasis
April 3, 2024


This article analyses the rise of export-oriented horticulture in ‘post-socialist’ Tanzania, framing the phenomenon within the wider processes of socio-economic change. While confirming previous research findings on the accelerated process of social differentiation, the article shows a mixed picture regarding the effects of export-oriented horticulture on female labour and poverty reduction, and questions the ‘mainstream’ over-optimistic claims. On the one hand, ‘contracted’ female workers seem to experience an ‘upgrade income mobility’ and (moderate) empowerment, but with poor working condition at the workplace. On the other hand, the article shows a considerable level of labour informality, casualisation and pauperisation of female wage work. It concludes that the development of export horticulture, while offering income opportunities for a minority of the workers, contributes to a process of exploitation of the poorest and enrichment of the richest - exporters, foreign companies and Tanzanian rural capitalists.