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V. 23 N. 1 (2021): Ten Years After the Uprising in North Africa and the Middle East: Historical Roots, Political Transitions and Social Actors

Rifolution Song of the Hirak of Rif Against the Repression of the Makhzen

  • Josep Lluis
  • Matteo Dieste
April 3, 2024


In 2011, North Africa experienced a cycle of revolts against post-colonial regimes. Although there were some common elements to the revolts, such as the struggle against the lack of human rights or the existence of great social inequalities, it should be noted that each local population expressed its own particularities. This was the case in the Rif, an Amazigh region in northern Morocco, where the accumulation of previous protests in the 20th century did not stop in 2011 but exploded in 2017 with the Hirak movement. In this article I will analyse the historical roots of this movement and look at the role played by oral culture and protest songs in the political dynamics of the Hirak. The Moroccan state (Makhzen) and the army were the main focus of criticism of the songs and slogans in the demonstrations. With the arrest of its main informal leaders, such as Nasser Zefzafi, songs denouncing the repression and linking the current protest to mythical figures from the Rifian past, in particular ‘Abd al-Krim al-Khattabi, also emerged as an emblem of the struggle against central power.