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V. 24 N. 2 (2021): The Spectious Dividends of Peace in the Horn of Africa

A Digital Quest for Peace Diaspora Attempts in PalTalk for National Reconciliation

  • Yonatan Tewelde
April 3, 2024


This qualitative study explores the multifaceted utilization of PalTalk, a popular chat platform, as a secure and inclusive space for vibrant communal discussions among Eritreans, compensating for limitations in physical public spheres. Focusing on peace and reconciliation, exiled Eritreans effectively document human rights violations and challenge dominant state-led narratives on militarism and conscription. The study unveils the nuanced understanding of peace, highlighting barriers posed by mass militarization and participants’ aspirations and uncertainties. It acknowledges limitations of peace education without ongoing processes and conducive environments, addressing concerns about truth sharing and debates, including absence of alleged perpetrators and challenges of linguistic accessibility and inclusivity for ethnic minorities. Despite challenges, Eritrean PalTalk platforms contribute constructively through historical documentation, nonviolent advocacy, and collaboration with international organizations for justice. Notably, the platform disrupts state-led discourses, unearths concealed stories of violence, breaks the cycle of silence, and questions the normalization of violence in nation-building. This study illuminates the transformative potential of new media public spheres in peacebuilding efforts.